本帖最后由 Monday 于 2023-7-16 14:00 编辑
Benjamin, Mia, Emma, Ava, and Jack are fivefriends who are deciding what to do together. The options they have available are going to a music festival, visiting a botanical garden, or playing tennis.Each person votes for whichever option they like, and the most popular optionis chosen. Benjamin has just been to a music festival, so he doesn't want to goto a music festival again. Emma doesn't like visiting botanical gardens. Jackvoted to play tennis. After counting up the votes, the five friends decided tovisit a botanical garden.
Which of the following must be true?
A. Emma voted to play tennis. B. Benjamin voted to play tennis. C. Ava voted to visit a botanical garden. D. Mia voted to go to a music festival.